The Rocket Science To Ig followers

The mover and shaker of the modern-day virtual life and the kingmaker of social media is Instagram likes. As Facebook is slowly losing its impact on the youth, Instagram is emerging as a new social media giant. The recent incident of an egg beating Kylie Jenner’s announcement post of her baby’s birth, on the basis of likes showcases how whimsical and remarkable this medium is. So let’s jump into the depths of the phenomenon that ig followers are.

Likes on Instagram are not only a way to evaluate the post, but also a method of increasing the popularity of an account. The more people put likes to the photo or video, the higher is the rating of the account.


The Theory Of Everything:

The likes basically depend on certain things they are:

  • The clarity of the post: If the post is clear to communicate to its audience, it gets to prize in the shape of likes and followers.
  • The content of the post: If the content of the post intriguing enough to behold the attention of the audience, it gets awarded with the followers.
  • The entertainment value of the post: If the post is entertaining to a certain audience, the audience applauds it with likes.
  • Importance of the post: If the post seems important to a group of people they like the post so that it can appear to the feed of their acquaintances.
  • The beauty of a post: A beautifully created post often gets bestowed with likes.
  • The talent of the curator: If the post showcases the real talent of the curator it gets appreciated with likes.


Instagram likes are the way people make their presence heard. In the modern world where social media defines people’s existence these little hearts often causes havoc in the personal life of a user. Nevertheless, Instagram is a platform that sells dreams, dreams of flying, dreams of dancing and winning and the users are dreamers, who perform on the stage of Instagram and the audience showers them with likes.

In conclusion, don’t run behind likes. It doesn’t give you anything. Never feel bad when you get a less number of likes because they are real likes. The people who liked your photo or video are genuine. If people do not like your content, make something which people love and they cannot resist themselves to like it. Always be real at least to yourself.